Monday, February 11, 2013

Great Week!

Hi everybody!
We had an awesome week, Olesya has a baptismal date for the 24th! She's pretty excited. Our ward mission leader was there with us for the lesson and we committed her to the date and she was just super stoked and really prepared. One of those people who was just waiting to be talked to I guess. Their family is wonderful, and we're having another lesson with them tonight! 

Met with a whole bunch of less actives and we're starting to see some keep their commitments and it is so incredible to see it happen. On Friday, we were up in the not-so-nice part of our area, so I got to use a lot of Spanish. I can get my message across but understanding the native speakers is extremely hard. I can never understand when they speak so fast. 

Also got to go on exchanges on Thursday, so I was in a car for a day! Elder Hatch is almost done with his mission and he was really cool to be around, he taught me a lot about making sure you extend commitments, because otherwise they aren't going to do anything.

So we rode in the snow on Saturday! I really enjoy riding the bike in the snow, just as long as we get into a house soon after haha. That night during dinner our lock froze so we had to get a ride and then we went back and tried it and it still didn't work, so we stripped the bikes of wheels and seats, so it totally looked like we were robbed. 

So we went over there after church and the lock was cut and my companion's frame was gone! Our bikes were on the same lock so I have no clue why they didn't take mine, maybe they knew I was borrowing it from someone haha. So we went and got Elder Nielsen a new bike this morning.

I love you guys, thanks for being an awesome fam.

Elder Wardle

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