Monday, May 6, 2013


Familia y whoever else reads these emails,

We had an awesome week and my birthday rocked. We had zone conference on my birthday, so we started at 10 in the morning and finished around 5 in the afternoon. President Gulbrandsen told us that it was his last opportunity to teach us because he finishes in June. It was an incredible meeting, and one thing I really learned from it was that we have to repent specifically for each of our sins. 

One of the lies of Satan is that we can just say, ¨Father, I´m sorry for all the sins I committed today,¨ but we have to confess them to Him in order to truly repent. Another thing was that if we don´t receive His servants, our leaders in the Church, we cannot receive eternal life (D&C 84 35-38?.) Even if they aren´t perfect, which none of them are, we have to support them and love them and follow them, because they were called there for a reason.

Ok, I know I´m preaching but the meeting was seriously awesome. We did three different divisions this week because my companion is district leader now, so this week I was with a Guatemalan, a Chilean, and a Paraguayan. It was pretty awesome and I definitely learned a lot. 

When Elder Peralta (Paraguayan) came, I was senior companion for the first time because he´s only been out for about a month. What happened was that we went to basically every door I know and talked with a bunch of people on the street but none of our investigators or less actives were home. It was crazy. 

When I called Elder Pastrana to tell him about our day he laughed and said that´s how it´s supposed to be on divisions! I just wanted to punch him through the phone haha. My Spanish definitely improved because none of the three really spoke English and so I had to, which was really beneficial for me.

We had an awesome Sunday yesterday, we set three baptismal dates, and they are all pretty solid. So we should be seeing the fruit of that in the next few weeks. 

I´m just so happy to be doing the work. It was pouring rain on us the other night, after our umbrella had broken, and Elder Pastrana and I were singing hymns and just laughing on our way back to the apartment. 

I know we are just blessed by the Lord, and I´m so grateful to be here.
Glad to hear that everyone is doing great. I love you all, keep writing me please!

Elder Wardle

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