Monday, April 1, 2013


So today has been kind of crazy because we went downtown to buy cheap soccer jerseys and we spent a lot of time there so we have no time to email today so I'm sorry if this is short.

Our week was really good though, yesterday we had the confirmations of Uriel and Kevin and they were really excited to come up in front of everyone haha. The whole stake is on a trek, yep just like the ones we do in the States where we dress up like pioneers and pull handcarts, so we had about 25% of the ward in church yesterday which was really weird.

So as for the Spanish, I´m basically able to understand everything, or at least catch the gist of what people are saying, and then if I don´t I've got my trusty companion right next to me to ask, though even he doesn't know what they´re saying sometimes. I`m speaking alright, and the other elders that live with us say that I speak perfect Spanish in my sleep, I just wish that happened somewhere else besides my dreams haha.

We found a ton of people this week so that was great. We met with this one kid, named Walter, who is 15 and loves basketball and knows all the American teams. My companion was flipping out because no one here knows any teams except the Spurs because Ginobili plays for them. Anyways, Walter is awesome and was super excited to read the Book of Mormon, so we'll see what happened when we talk with him tomorrow.

Oh and they kind of celebrate Easter the same here, but mostly just with candy, I don´t think they have any kind of Easter egg hunts or anything like that. Just chocolate eggs. Alright, I love you all and keep being awesome!

Elder Wardle

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