Monday, September 16, 2013



So we had an awesome week and I don´t have much time so we´ll see how much I can write really fast haha. On Tuesday we did divisions with the zone leaders because we've been struggling in our area and I went to their area with Elder Reber, who is awesome. He is super funny and is having a ton of success because he teaches lots of short lessons every day and then they come to church and get baptized. After that, Elder Anglade and I tried to implement the same method in our area and it worked! We reached 20 lessons with members this past week and we were super excited. 

Leo, a young man from the Dominican Republic got baptized yesterday and it was truly a miracle. We found Leo when we were walking on the street and he called us and yelled, ¨MORMONES!!¨with a big grin. He had walked into a church before in the DR and so he recognized us that way. Teaching him was sort of different because he has never learned to read and he struggles with remembering things. Now that he is baptized I think we´re going to be teaching him how to read haha. He was super excited for his baptism and just super funny. 

On Saturday we got to paint a hospital with about 100 other missionaries, so that was pretty fun, and I saw a bunch of people from my last ward. It is super rainy here, sounds super rainy over there too. We had about 2 days of summer and I was all excited to be in short sleeves again and then the cold came back.

So, yeah, that is about it. I think I´ve rambled enough for today! Love you guys, congrats to Whitney and Ben for the new baby! Sure thing he'll be a stud 


Elder Wardle

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