Monday, April 7, 2014

Conference and Changes

Hey everyone!

I hope you were all able to experience the Spirit as we watched our inspired leaders talk to us this weekend. Some of my favorites, if I´m allowed to have favorites, were the talks of Elder Bednar, Elder Holland, President Monson, President Uchtdorf, and Elder Zwick. I absolutely loved Elder Aidukatis´ energy also haha. 

A little crazy this weekend, Friday I received a phone call from President telling me that I was being transferred to Soldati the next day. Kind of a shock, but I packed my things, said goodbye to a few people, and left! Soldati is pretty awesome, the Elders here are having some incredible success. I am now one of the 8 missionaries in the ward and there is a lot of work to be done. 

Haven´t really gotten to know my area yet because of the conference, but I got to go to the chapel of Caballito to watch conference and saw a lot of the members from Caballito so that was really fun. I am with Elder Puzey from Oregon, who is now finishing his second transfer in the mission, and he is awesome, we get along very well. 

I know that as we have struggles, the Lord knows that we can handle them and that we can come out victorious. As Elder Bednar said, these trials and blessings and consequences constitute our ¨load¨ which creates the necessary spiritual friction to help us progress. I love you guys so much and pray for you. Have a great week!!!


Elder Wardle

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