Monday, July 28, 2014


Hey everybody,

Had one of my favorite Sabbath Days yesterday that I´ve had in the mission, but first let me tell you about the week.We had to drop a few investigators because they weren´t progressing and so yeah, working on finding new people. Alan continues to progress like a champ and has already finished 1 Nephi, he gets baptized this Sunday. Blanca, a short little grandma, came to church yesterday and loved it. We´re also working with a girl named Flor who has had a ton of problems, she´s 22 and has three kids already but they don´t live with her, but she told us she felt at home yesterday at church!!
So really cool Sunday yesterday because Alan came and acompanied us the whole day, from about 4-9 at night and it was so cool, he bore his testimony and he really wants to go on a mission. We met a family who is the latin version, I swear, of the Crum family. The husband is Andrés, he´s really well mannered and very calm, educated, really cool guy not a member, and his wife who is a member for about 20 years but inactive now who is kinda loud, and has a really strong testimony of the church, and their kids are little intelligent angels of course. Their personalities reminded me a ton of Torey and Morgan, kind of freaked me out. Well, they're working on going to church, we´ll see what happens.

Oh, and the Bishop here is such an example, wants to baptize a ton, he´s 27 I think and has the goal of in the next year wants Virreyes to get divided into two wards!! (Virreyes barely became a ward last month, it was a branch) so we´re working to find men who can hold the priesthood. He also ordained a member who was confirmed yesterday to the office of Priest with all the other priests in the circle with him, it was very powerful.

I told my companion this morning that I don´t think I´ve ever had so much energy and excitement in the work than now. We were thinking about it the other day and we think we are the oldest companionship in the mission with 44 months in mission field, so that´s pretty cool. The zone is progressing and everything is going great. The only thing is that it is freezing outside, but that´s alright, Colorado prepared me for this haha. Holy cow, this letter is super long. Keep being awesome everybody, baptize your friends!


Elder Wardle

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